One of the goals is to make the DERO blockchain which is running the back end as transparent as possible for the end user. People without a background in blockchain should be able to use this application without even knowing a blockchain is the core driver. However, due to some of the complexities of blockchain its not always easy to make the user experience perfect but we will get there.

For now the Last TX at the top of most tabs will stay for bug reporting purposes. It sure does help to copy that right after you make a post or update. As time moves on and things become more stable Last TX will be removed. DERO addresses could be linked to aliases making things more readable and understandable. Session addresses also could be linked to aliases but all that will have to be decentralized. Inactive posts will not show up in the search list, etc. More data to store more architecture to work out. You may also note that to update an entry you have to enter the Job ID manually. In time there will be a drop down to select the Job IDs.

It will take some time to make the user experience seamless and almost to the point where they do not even realize they are using a decentralized application. Features like sorting and finding entries will be added. Alias control of names and addresses and someone will eventually write a GUI wallet that connects to smart contracts and can connect with our app. There are still questions on how some of this will scale and a lot of that will not be worked out until the user base grows.


Jobs posted in a decentralized system are not fake. Users have to pay to register a job / space. Maybe the BOTs want to donate to the developers but that is highly unlikely. You can be assured a posting is real and the Session ID is tied to a human.


Can’t hack the information because its locked down and stored in the blockchain. A users information including their DERO address and SESSION ID are not changeable by anyone except the person who originally made the entry. No man in the middle can hijack a posting and pose as someone else.


Without the need for central servers your job listing and Session ID will remain accessible by millions of users. There is no need for a data center or centralized infrastructure to keep the application working. This cuts down on power and labor costs. This particular application does not need high speed internet to function during war times. As long as there is power and basic internet in times of war the parallel decentralized economy will hum along like war didn’t even exist.


No one can delete your job posting. The original posting is made by the original DERO address and any changes to that posting must be done by the person who owns that space.


You don’t need to download the application from a central server. You can share the APK with anyone. Share it with a texting app. Save it to a USB stick or transfer it with a PC. The APK is simply a client hosted on any Android device. Its lite weight and portable. The only reason for https://Dero.Work is to get new software updates, new features and general information.


Of course its not free. If you are a serious employer or serious employee you are going to use a serious platform. Fees pay for developers to bring you these apps and write more features. Fees pay to stop trolls and bots from posting fake jobs and fees means only serious employers who have money to pay for work will participate. The parallel economy is an alternative space but not a place where everyone just works for free. It promotes free markets but private industry will drive decentralized economies to the next level using decentralized tools and currencies.

Dero.Work is a decentralized peer to peer application designed to replace centralized freelance work sites like upWork, Craigslist and Freelancer. Post and update jobs using the DERO blockchain. Communicate with new employers using secure peer to peer encryption. Job postings can not be altered, censored or removed. There are no centralized servers running this application. This application will continue to operate even if data centers are no longer functional.

Dero.Work only runs on Android with a DERO Termux wallet. As partner apps it will need Oxen Session installed. DERO or Monero will be the preferred form of payment for work. Payment is up to the employer but the whole point of the decentralized work community is to support the parallel economy and be paid in crypto. Do not expect employers to pay in fiat currencies. If you want to be paid in fiat use centralized freelance sites.

All communications between parties will be through the Session app. You must provide a Session ID to use this application. The employer and employee can choose to remain completely anonymous with payment and communications. Over time DERO addresses with good reputations could be shared with the community.

You will need to know how to allow and install .apk files outside the marketplace. You will also need to install Termux using the F-Droid client. There will be some command line in order to initialize and set up your DERO wallet. Tutorials and help pages are provided in the Dero.Work app. For more information about the development of on-chain decentralized apps and to help crowd fund development visit